A Colorful Walk: Wisteria Tunnel at Kawachi Fuji Gardens, Japan

Kawachi Fuji Gardens in Kitakyushu, Japan (about a 4 hour drive from Tokyo) is where you will find this pastel-colored fairytale tunnel.
The gardens are home to about 150 Wisteria flowering plants spanning 20 different species (white, blue, purple, violet-blue and pink). This is the reason why the “tunnel” is so colorful and graceful.

The best time of the year to go from late April to mid May (depends on the weather each year). The peak is normally at end of April to the Golden Week. Not every year wisteria bloom so magnificently. To get to the garden from JR Yahata station, take Nishitetsu bus #56 and get off at Kawachi Elementary School. Then walk 10-15 min to the garden. It is difficult to imagine Kawachi Fuji Garden any other way but in full bloom, yet according to Atlas Obscura, visiting the place outside the mentioned time period will lead you to a  “disheartening mass of lifeless, twisted branches”. If you had the chance to walk along this flower-covered pathway, feel free to drop a line and tell us how it felt!



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